Daffodil January

Monday morning came much too quickly for me this week. It was all I could do to put my feet on the floor. And, then to hoist my almost 6 foot frame to standing felt nearly impossible. Obviously, I am not much of a morning person, but that day the gravity force my bed held was formidable. After a fun weekend celebrating Chachi’s birthday and ignoring all reality, this Monday was hard on all of us. With Chris and Alex out the door (fortunately for them they are both morning birds) the two younger boys and I stumbled around grumpily getting dressed, lunches packed, breakfast packed, teeth brushed and finally locating and stuffing backpacks for their days. It was all a blur but the tasks are so sadly mechanical, that it is possible to pull off on a dark, winter morning.

Finally, ready to load up in the car, we headed outside. Much to my surprise in the handle of my car door, there was a bunch of daffodils waiting for me.  In a flash, the bright yellow of these happy flowers surged to my core. They looked almost neon against the gray landscape and sky and ignited a smile that I am still carrying with me. There wasn’t a note or hint of who left them. It was such a lovely act of kindness that brought pure joy and turned my attitude 180 degrees. I was so moved that someone was thinking of me, so grateful that I could imagine a number of friends who would have done something so nice and enjoyed wonderful memories of planting and picking daffodils for as long as I can remember. Isn’t it amazing how far an act of love can carry someone? Isn’t amazing how a pop of color can make a difference? Isn’t amazing how many beautiful little things are all around? I feel like I notice and feel them often but I am so very grateful that there are people who share their hearts and make everything brighter and better when I can’t see clearly.

After I dropped off the boys, I placed my joyful gift in a favorite lapis glass vase and carried them down to my studio. With thankfulness, I placed them on my work table and reached for my brightest yellow paint.


5 Replies to “Daffodil January”

  1. okay …I have tears in my eyes. It is amazing how we don’t realize the impact we have on others with either acts of kindness or rudeness … you have such a big, deep heart and I am so lucky to know you!

  2. Thank you for making my whole week! XOXO
    And so true about the flipside…. I need to remember that,too!

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