Sunshine Yellow

For two years, I have been pulling into our driveway and feeling like I was at someone else’s home. A big part of me is grateful to have a warm and spacious home for our family. It has been a bumpy road, and there is nothing better than being able to all be together under roof, by a roaring fire in a quiet neighborhood. But then, there is the dark side of me that sunk when coming home to such a drab facade. A peeling house that was painted some time ago a nasty shade of what we call retro band-aid pink was not welcoming. Chachi, our youngest called it “Daddy’s pink house.”

On it’s way to bright and cheery!

Fortunately, Daddy’s Pink house is no more.  After THREE cases of caulk, the help of a dear friend, It is now Mama’s yellow sunshine house. It really is amazing how color can switch a mood. It is bright and cheery and makes walking in the door to all the projects that lay ahead inside somewhat more bearable. And now, to pick more colors! Whoo hoo!!!